Lodge Lautoka slowly takes shape


The Lodge of Lautoka, over the last 12 months, has been slowly proceeding with the construction of a new lodge room and south with amenities, this is the first Masonic lodge to be built in Nadi and will be completed by the end of June, 2020

The incumbent Master Jason Bates said that a lot of hard work and time had been put into the research and paper work for the design and construction of the lodge. The brethren are very excited and are looking forward to the big day of completion. Unfortunately due to the covid 19 lock down, lodge meeting are currently suspended, however they should be started again in the not too distant future.

The new lodge is located on Navakai road very close to the Nadi sports club. All are welcome once we open and we hope to see you all there at the lodge dedication and opening.
-W Bro. M McElrath-

Where all the planning started

Building starts with a solid foundation

… and now, we have a roof

Arrival of the pillars

All set to go

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